This morning, Lee, Harlene (my sister) and I went to Dr. Flatt's office in nearby Marseilles. I am his uncle. Lee and I were in need of our Shingles shot. Long story, our doctor in CA does not give it due to the requirements on storage. Our Blue Cross Blue Shield plan only covers it if given in a doctor's office. The doctors who give it in CA require you to be their patient so we would have to sign up with as a new patient and then after the shot - leave and go back to our regular doctor. The new place wanted lab tests etc before becoming a patient. We just had our three month blood workup. I found out that Mack would give it since he was our doctor before moving and is aware of our medical status.. He is always wanting us to come to his office and town ( Marseilles is an old Illinois river town. So to get the insurance to pay---we drove to Illinois. Going to him was worth the drive from CA Not only did we get the shot--we were able to visit and explore the town of Marseilles. An event in itself. Keep it in mind if you are driving on I-80 just a few minutes west of Joliet, Illinois.
If you are not aware, Shingles is a painful rash that’s caused by the same virus—varicella zoster—that’s responsible for chickenpox. If you had chickenpox as a child, the virus hasn’t completely gone away. It hides dormant in your body and can reemerge many years later as shingles. There are about 1 million cases of shingles each year, according to the CDC, and about half of all occur among people over the age of 60. Older adults are most likely to develop shingles, which is why the shingles vaccine (Zostavax) is recommended for people age 60 and older. According to the CDC, the vaccine can reduce your risk of getting shingles by more than half. Getting vaccinated can also help you avoid painful nerve complications from the disease. I can remember my grandmother having Shingles and the pain etc. which she had to go through.
Harlene and Lee outside
Sign on Door-drugs can be a problem in this area like so many other areas. To keep someone from breaking into building looking for drugs.
This area of Illinois, like so many others can have severe weather.. Doctor is pointing out to my sister (his mother) the office's Severe Weather Safe Area so she doesn't worry about his safety or those who work with him in the office.
Dr. Flatt pointing out to his mother some of the import items he keeps on the wall of his office for reference.
The town where his office is located is an "old river" town with all of things that go along with it. Below are some photos of the town.
I want to thank Dr. Flatt and his office staff for giving us the shot and allowing us to visit. It was a pleasure seeing such a hard working staff with smiles. It also was enjoyable driving around town and seeing a community hard at work to become something. Don't forget to stop by if you need medical attention on your trip in Illinois. I know Dr. Flatt and his staff would make you feel better and smile too.
We are planning on leaving Lockport on Tuesday morning and going south in Illinois to my real hometown of McLeansboro. It is about 300 miles south of us here. Should arrive in PM. I am not sure when my next blog post will be but please keep watching and you will learn and see other important items of our travels.
Until next time we meet on our journey:.
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