Friday, June 17, 2016

#14 -    Morning Check in from Casa de Fruita


As many of you know, the boys and I enjoy getting up early.  I think this morning was about 5:30.  I am having breakfast of fruit which Lee cut and cleaned last night.  It was bought from the Casa de Fruita stand.  I also have some bread from and earlier find.
I been asked by a reader how was this find?  We loved the fruit stand and the history around it.  The RV park does not rate up there with YANKS which we passed over.  The price is great here, almost $20 cheaper.  So for a night it is not bad.  You do hear some road noise and it is almost all blacktop with trees in it.  This does keep the dogs cleaner when we do our walks.
I was asked yesterday about keeping people informed of my post here on the blog.  I am trying to write each morning and evening while we are moving.  I
suggest you check back twice or at least once daily if you are interested.  I try to post on Facebook each evening a comment where we are and link here to the blog.  Many facebook readers don't follow us here but do want to know where we are spending the night.
On the website  I try to place a note on the homepage if I have updated and on the RV page there is a map which should update where we are.
All of these work only if I get good internet.  Please feel free to leave a note on the website or a comment here on the blog.   I am still learning the new computer I gave Lee for Christmas.  It runs windows 10 and I am still a windows 7 person.  That is why I have not posted videos from the DashCam.  I am having a hard time producing them in 10.
On a different note,  I heard from Google yesterday that I am getting enough followers on this site that they have offered me a chance to join AdSense.  As you can see above, the boys are excited to someday offer links to products from this site.  We do have a relationship with Amazon on the webpage and they get money when someone goes from our page to amazon and buys anything.  I know,  as of today it is nearly $3.00 in less than a month.  I am still wondering why people go to either site---it is not just friends and family anymore.  We have nearly 1000 views of the website since going live.  It has only been up less than a month.  And this blog is growing daily.  Will post numbers later in the week when we have hit the 30 day count.
We are still planning on going to Truckee for the evening.  There are two places to eat which have been on the food channel.  We ate in one the last visit hopefully the other one is still open.
Well, I will close now and start making some noise to wake Lee up.  I always blame it on the boys and then give them a treat to make up
Until next time we meet on our journey:

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