Sunday, May 29, 2016

Zika Virus and Dogs along with other Great Items

Hoping that each of you had a great Memorial Day Holiday!!!!   Lee, the boys and I had a great weekend.  We had friends over on Sunday (5/29) for our traditional Memorial Day cook-out and a late birthday party for Lee.  See photos on

I was asked after the last posting,  "do you use a GPS"?   The answer is yes along with maps.  We have started  using the FMCA North American Road Atlas.  Like our GPS, it shows campgrounds.  The atlas also shows Walmart, Sam's Club, Cracker Barrel, Pilot/Flying J, and even Love's travel centers.

Besides my planning and checking-being a member of GOOD SAMs and Family Motor Coach Association,   allows me to request free custom trip routings.

We are two weeks off until leaving.  This is when I really start looking at the maps and checking into campgrounds.  Lee and I will also make a trip to our nearby Camping World store to see if we need anything new.   We have already checked the RV for our standard items we always have on hand. 

One of the things we check are the PET SUPPLIES.  Because our SIRS are picky,  we always take plenty of their food and treats along.  Don't forget these items too:
Food dish,  water dish, lease, toys, brush and comb, collar with tags containing your cell phone number,  medication and first aid kit, pictures in case they get lost and we always bring Health Information along with rabies certificate.

I just read the following article from the AKC website.  I would like to copy it here so you can see there is currently NO fear for dogs concerning the Zika Virus.  As you can see in the article---no research has been done either.  So follow your common sense

Should Breeders Worry About Zika Virus And Their Dogs?

Spring has arrived and, along with the welcomed warmer temperatures, comes the not-so-welcome pesky insects.
This includes mosquitoes that can transmit disease to humans and pets.

The Zika virus, transmitted through mosquitoes, has been in the news lately as a health concern for humans causing fever and joint pain and, of most concern for pregnant women, serious birth defects in infants.
Zika virus is transmitted to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito (A. aegypti and A. albopictus). Currently, evidence shows that only humans and primates can contract the Zika virus. There is no evidence that dogs and other pets can contract the disease; the research has not been done.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported the following regarding animals and the virus:
  • At this time, animals do not appear to be involved in the spread of Zika virus.
  • There is no evidence that Zika virus is spread to people from contact with animals.
  • There have not been any reports of pets or other types of animals becoming sick with Zika virus. However, more research is needed to better understand Zika virus in animals.
  • Animals in the United States are not at risk of becoming sick with Zika virus.
The most concerning disease transmitted to dogs by mosquitoes is heartworm disease, which can be prevented by giving monthly preventative medications.
Taking precautions to prevent mosquitoes near your kennel and home is a good idea. Mosquitoes need standing water to produce so survey your property for any place that holds water and eliminate these sources. Change the water in bird baths, wading pools, etc. at least once a week.

Keep pets indoors during peak mosquito hours, which are dawn and dusk. Reduce light at night since light tends to attract mosquitoes. (taken from AKC Website-email)

Storage can be a problem in a RV.  We are lucky, our ACE has lots of inside and outside storage. 

Owning a motorhome is truly a life-changing encounter.   If you are dreaming of owning a motorhome and want to learn everything you can before you start-then continue to read and hopefully come back to our sites. 

You can follow us also on our website as well as this blog.  Don't forget to sign up on our website.

Until next time we meet on our journey:

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Memorial Day - a day to remember  all those who have served our country (including my father Harley G. White). Thank you for keeping our country free.


As Lee and I get ready for some fun traveling in our motorhome in June,  I make sure the following membership cards and numbers are inside our motorhome.  We belong to the following associations:

 FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association)-Lee and I became members almost the same day we bought the RV.  I was given a one year membership (we now are in our third year).  Belonging to FMCA we are part of a large group of motorhome enthusiasts whose travel experiences is enhanced by our membership.  Benefits include FREE Medical Emergency and Travel Assistance Plan,  12 issues of Family Motor Coaching magazine,  Savings on Michelin Tires,  Special rates on RV Insurance, Special rates on Mail Forwarding and even Discounted rates at FMCA member campgrounds.    Information

KOA Campground Membership:  Member discounts for KOA campgrounds.  

GOOD SAM CLUB:  Member discounts for campgrounds accepting Good Sam membership, Instant discounts on fuel with a swipe of your membership card at Pilot stations. 

RVILLAGERVillage is a social platform for RVers, "wannabes" and dreamers, looking for friends activities and others to connect with on their journeys. Once users register and create a profile, RVillagers can find other travelers based on their current location, any destination or along their route and remain connected through smart mapping technology and social interactive tools.  RVillage is also a “virtual lobby” for RV parks and campgrounds. Discover who is staying in the same park, have discussions, and stay connected with new friends! Currently over 45,000 members.

Each of the memberships offer many extra support for their members.  I listed things we use and want to keep so we continue the yearly memberships.  Check out their sites and see if membership would help YOU.


This is our A.C.E. built by THOR.

Storage can be a problem in a RV.  We are lucky, our ACE has lots of inside and outside storage.  More on storage in future weeks.

Owning a motorhome is truly a life-changing encounter.   If you are dreaming of owning a motorhome and want to learn everything you can before you start-then continue to read and hopefully come back to our sites.

Until next time we meet on our journey:

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Fairy Gardens by Lee  Video Boys at Play

I must say I look forward in writing today.   The boys and I have been on their daily walk (1 and half miles).   They had their breakfast and all is well with them.   The picture below is a planning meeting that the boys did a few years ago.  We never learned what was planned but I am sure Lance and Henry is still following the plan as it was written.

Fairy Gardens by Lee

 Over the last few weeks,  Lee has completed 5 new Fairy Gardens (pictured here).  I think the best one  is the "Woof Garden" containing three Cavaliers.  Each dog represents one of ours and it is doing something that is a "favorite" of one dog.  Sir Lancelot is looking at the glass reflective ball because he loves to chase light.  Sir Henry is inside of the dog house because he loves to be under a table or something that covers him.  Sir Winston is watching the bird on the fence.  He always loved to chase or watch birds.

Other gardens are here---Each represents something.

We have begun the process of getting ready for our road trip to Lockport, Illinois next month.  We are looking at Wednesday, June 15 as our departure date.  The RV has had an inside cleaning and is ready to load.  Lee is getting items ready.  We will be posting lists of things needed done and on board of the RV on the website.

I also want to take the time to say as of today,  we have had over 240 individuals check our website .  

Yes that is a plug for more to check it out and please either leave comments on this site or on the website.   You may have noticed that we do have links to Amazon and a link to this blog page. 

 I am learning more each day on the making  of a website and blog page.  Thanks for allowing me to learn and I am sorry for you, if things are messy or out of order.  

While looking for items, I ran across a video made in 2010 called,  "Boys at Play".  It is short but shows the love between our Cavaliers.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did when I saw it again this morning.  Six years went by fast since the video was made while we lived on Maui.  I again want to thank Darlene Tsubota of Enelrad  Cavaliers - Honolulu, Hawaii for allowing Lee and I to become owners of three Cavalier King Charles dogs.

Next time I will be writing about our RV and the planning of the trip.

Until next time we meet on our journey:

Friday, May 20, 2016


This blog will deal with our Cavalier King Charles dogs and travel events and tips in our 29 foot motorhome.  Hopefully in the following months you will find some items enjoyable and keep up with our trips.  Maybe we will  learn something together or you will decide you want to have your own RV.

This blog is just part of the log we have begun keeping.  In the past week,  I have put together our own web site.

Wait----I am getting ahead of myself.  My name is John White and my wife's name is Lee.  Up to a year ago, we had 3 Cavaliers (Sir Henry,  Sir Winston,  and  Sir Lancelot).  We now live in southern Orange County, CA.   So that is where our blog  name comes from-  WHITHOUSECA : 3 SIRS and RV.

Before moving here,  we lived 12 years in Wailea on Maui.  Yes, we lived on Maui and moved to CA.   That is another story for later.   Nearly three years ago, we bought our first motorhome.  In a year, we traded it in for a 29 foot THOR ACE.    It has one slide.

Before Maui, we lived in Illinois.  New Lenox was the city,  I worked for the Frankfort 157C School District for  24 years- teacher, Principal and then as Director of Curriculum and Instruction.  Maybe I can write about education.  Lee would say no because I do have my views of education.

So do you want to come back and read more? 

I want to end our session today with a video clip I made to honor Sir Winston.  It is also on our website

Until next time we meet on our journey: